When it cost you..
Everything you have
Everything you are
And you're the one who flung
The stars across the sky.
And I will always bow before you
Now I see You right
Emanuel - You're God - You are God.
Son of God, Son of Man,
I see you breath Your last.
Torn heart, torn veil,
It's over now, it's done.
Son of God, remember me,
I don't deserve what You give.
All power, is Yours,
The life you live now is the life You give.
And it cost you..
Everything you have
Everything you are
And you're the one who flung
The stars across the sky.
And I will always bow before you
Now I see You right
Emanuel - You're God - You are God.
Everything about You shouts out…
"You're the one"!
You've won the lives of countless lovers…
You've won!
Now heaven isn't empty,
The promise is fulfilled.
The work of all creation's done.
Everything You have,
Everything You are,
Belongs to those who love You,
Belongs to us.
And I will always bow before you
Now I see You right
Emanuel - You're God - You are God.
Tim Jarvis © Passion Praise Music 2007 |